BuildError(): error building a user of type 0x20010008
BuildError(): error building a user of type 0x20010008
**** ERROR _CreateMenuWithWithIdentifier no image for file: 1_flag_menu_item.png
**** ERROR _CreateMenuWithWithIdentifier no image for file: 77_flag_other_menu_item.png
**** ERROR UIFlagPickerRestoreState No state found for flag picker
**** ERROR ArchiveViewCreateWithOptions ArchiveCopyPNGImage failed for file: preferences_good_samaritan_message_ribbon.png
**** ERROR ArchiveViewCreateWithOptions ArchiveCopyPNGImage failed for file: logimui_bootprogressbar.png
I'm was running OS X 10.10.4, and this began once I upgraded to the GM Candidate of El Capitan 10.11, which is the newest and stable release. Haven't a clue about what it is.
Any ideas as to what these messages are?
Update: Fresh Install
I just wiped my computer and did a fresh install of 10.11 GM El Capitan. Still showing up. Seems to be an issue of the new OS.
Answers 1
It's a consequence of protecting with Firevault your boot disk. if it is enabled the EFI is not allowed to read or write from the boot disk at that early stage in the EFI initialization Sequence.
My best guess at this moment is that this behavior is intended, a new security feature present in OS X 10.11 El Capitan.
Apple will need to publish an EFI update to get ride of the deprecated "warning messages".
Answers 2
I ended up taking my MBP to a certified Apple Specialist. They replaced the MLB (main logic board) which solved the issue. The replacement was covered under an Apple Repair Extension program (, and thus was free of charge.
Answers 3
It is a consequence of the Firevault protection your boot disk. If IFS is enabled it cannot be read or write from the boot disk at this early stage in the EFI boot sequence.
My best guess at the moment is that this behavior is intended, a new feature in OS X 10.11 Captain safety.
Apple will have to publish an update of EFI to get ride of the deprecated "warning messages".
Answers 4
This has to do with FileVault.
Start in recovery mode (command-R at start), unlock your hard drive using your encryption password.
Run check disk. Reboot.
This seems to keep the disk unlocked for a reboot to succeed.
After a successful login, disable FileVault and let it decrypt the disk completely.
When done, you can activate FileVault again.
Worked for me, hopefully for others.
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